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Restorative Dentistry in Wahpeton, ND

senior with glasses

Wahpeton Family Dentistry provides restorative dental services for families in Wahpeton, North Dakota. Call 701-642-8566 to contact us or email us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is the term used to describe procedures that restore the health of the teeth and mouth. When one or more teeth are damaged in some way, such as decay, the effects of teeth grinding, or a dental trauma, restorative dentistry may be able to save the teeth and allow them to stay in place in your mouth. In many cases a restorative procedure can help your teeth last for the rest of your life.

In other cases when one or more teeth can’t be saved, extraction and replacement is another form of restorative dentistry. Natural teeth can be replaced with bridges, dental implants, partials or dentures.

Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry offers many benefits:

  • Keep your natural teeth. In many cases restorative dentistry can help you keep your natural teeth in place by repairing any damage and protecting the teeth from further damage.
  • Restore your dental and oral health. Restorative dentistry can improve your overall dental and oral health, not just the specific problem being addressed.
  • Long term solution. Restorative procedures often provide a long term solution, meaning the tooth or teeth will not need further treatment and will be able stay in place for the rest of your life.
  • Prevent the spread of infection. Restoring the health of a tooth, such as with a filling or a root canal, can stop the spread of infection from the source of the decay. Tooth decay and tooth infections are caused by bacteria, and restorative procedures can eliminate the infection and keep it from spreading to other parts of your mouth and body.

Procedures Offered

Composite Fillings

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings use tooth-colored material to restore teeth with cavities and maintain a natural appearance. Once the decay is removed, the tooth is filled with a composite material which is then cured using a specialized light to harden the material. Composite fillings can be done in one visit.

Learn more about Fillings

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays & Onlays

When a tooth is severely decayed and there is not enough tooth material left for a filling, an inlay or onlay may be used to repair the tooth. These consist of a piece of porcelain that is attached to the outside or inside of the tooth to make it whole.

Learn more about Inlays & Onlays

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

When there is not enough tooth enamel left for a filling or an inlay/onlay, a crown may be placed over the tooth. A crown is a tooth-shaped cover that fits over the remaining tooth material and allows the root of the tooth to stay in place.

Learn more about Dental Crowns

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridge Graphic

If a tooth is missing or can’t be restored, one option for replacement is a bridge. A bridge consists of crowns that fit over the healthy teeth on each side of the gap with one or more artificial teeth (pontics) suspended between them to replace the missing tooth or teeth.

Learn more about Dental Bridges

Dental Implant Placement and Restoration

Dental Implant Restorations

Another tooth replacement option is a dental implant. An implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw to replace a natural tooth root. One dental implant can replace a single tooth and multiple implants can support a bridge or dentures to replace multiple teeth.

Learn more about Dental Implants

Digital Dentures

happy older couple

Dentures are used to replace all of the teeth when there is a widespread amount of decay or damage. We have the capability to make immediate dentures or new dentures from an existing set in as little as 2-3 appointments. Traditional dentures attach to the gums via suction or adhesives and implant supported dentures attach to 4-6 dental implants placed throughout the jaw.

Learn more about Dentures

Digital Partial Dentures

Extracted Tooth

In some cases there are multiple teeth that need to be replaced but there may be some that are still healthy. Partial dentures can replace the missing teeth, sometimes using the healthy teeth for support. These can be fabricated in as little as 2-3 appointments at our office. Digital technology can design dentures that are natural looking and comfortable.

Root Canal Treatment

Dental Instruments for Root Canal

A root canal may be performed on a tooth that is infected or at risk of infection. If a deep cavity, crack, or other damage to a tooth is deep enough to expose the dental pulp, the soft tissue on the inside of the tooth, the tooth may become infected. A root canal removes the dental pulp and fills the tooth with a replacement material to eliminate and prevent infection.


Extracted Tooth

Teeth sometimes need to be extracted for a variety of reasons from severe decay or damage to orthodontic purposes.

Learn more about Extractions

Why Choose Wahpeton Family Dentistry?

We are a family dental practice providing comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. This makes it possible for everyone in the family to receive the dental services they need in one convenient location. Our patient-centric approach focuses on the individual needs of each patient, allowing us to provide age appropriate care for everyone.

When you come into our office you are treated like family, with a warm smile and a friendly greeting. We take the time to get to know the families who come to our practice and make you feel at home and comfortable at each dental visit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Restorative Dentistry

What is the difference between a filling and a root canal?
A filling is used to treat a cavity. The decayed portion of the enamel is removed and the hole is filled with tooth-colored composite material. A root canal is used to treat a tooth that is infected or at risk of infection. When a cavity is very deep or if some other damage allows bacteria to infect the tooth, a root canal is necessary to remove the infection from the inside of the tooth and fill it with composite material. Detecting a cavity early and filling it can prevent a root canal in many cases.
Is restorative dentistry covered by insurance?
Most restorative procedures are covered by insurance to some extent. It depends on your provider and plan, as well as the reason for the procedure. Contact your insurance provider for details about your plan and coverage.
Which is better for tooth replacement, a bridge or a dental implant?
A dental implant is considered to be the highest quality tooth replacement option available in dentistry. It provides a natural look and function and prevents bone loss in the jaw. However, there are times when a bridge is the best option, such as when a tooth has been missing for a while and the jaw bone is not able to support an implant. A bridge typically costs less than a dental implant and is more likely to be covered by insurance.
Does a cracked tooth need a crown?
In most cases a cracked tooth can be treated with a crown. The crown protects the remaining tooth material. In some cases a root canal may also be needed before the crown is placed to ensure that the tooth is protected from infection, or to treat an infection that is already present.
Should I have my old metal fillings replaced with composite?
Cavities used to be filled with metal instead of composite material. The problem with metal fillings is that they expand and contract with changes in temperature, which can eventually cause the tooth to crack. However, it is not necessary to have every metal filling replaced with composite, unless there is a problem with the tooth or the filling.

To learn more, call 701-642-8566 to contact us or email us today to schedule an appointment.

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103 9th St N, Ste 2
Wahpeton, ND 58075
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