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Preventive Dentistry in Wahpeton, ND

lady in field

Wahpeton Family Dentistry provides preventive dental services for families in Wahpeton. Call 701-642-8566 to contact us or email us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive Dentistry refers to the practices and procedures that preserve the health of the teeth. Teeth cleanings and oral examinations are the main parts of preventive dentistry, helping to keep your teeth clean and free of plaque that causes decay. It also aids in the prevention of gum disease, an oral health condition that is caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth.

Benefits of Preventive Dentistry

There are many benefits of preventive dentistry:

  • Keeps teeth healthy. Dental cleanings involve the removal of plaque, a sticky film made of food residue and bacteria that clings to the teeth. When plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing, it hardens and becomes much more difficult to remove, requiring professional dental tools. Professional teeth cleaning removes plaque to prevent it from causing decay, or damage to the enamel.
  • Keeps gums healthy. Plaque that lingers on the teeth for too long can eventually infect the gum tissue, resulting in gum disease. Professional teeth cleaning removes plaque to prevent gum disease from developing.
  • Prevents the need for restorative procedures. Dental cleanings to remove plaque prevents tooth decay, which would otherwise need to be treated with restorative procedures such as fillings and root canals.
  • Saves time and money. Preventive dentistry is typically covered by most dental insurance plans and is highly affordable even without insurance. It can also prevent the need for more complex dental treatment that may cost more and take up more of your time going to the dentist’s office.

Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination

exam room

A comprehensive oral evaluation checks for any dental or oral health concerns, such as signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer

Learn more about Dental Exams

Dental Cleaning

dental tools

This includes a thorough cleaning of the teeth using dental tools to remove plaque and calculus from the teeth.

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

A tooth that has deep grooves or crevices has a higher risk of tooth decay. Dental sealants can fill in these problems spaces for a more even tooth surface.

Fluoride Treatment

Flouride Treatment

Fluoride is a mineral that naturally strengthens tooth enamel. It is contained in most toothpastes, but a fluoride treatment applied in the dental office has a higher concentration of fluoride that can help keep your teeth healthy and free of decay.

Custom Mouth Guards and Night Guards

Custom Oral Appliances

A variety of activities and sports put your teeth at risk for damage. We create custom mouth guards for our patients that are comfortable and help protect your teeth.

Teeth grinding is a common habit that often occurs at night while you sleep. We provide custom night guards to protect your teeth and jaw from the harmful effects of teeth grinding.

Learn more about Custom Oral Appliances

Custom Sleep and TMJ Guards

Scaling and Root Planning

TMJ and Sleep Disorders affect a high percentage of the population. We screen and assess for these conditions and can fabricate a guard unique to you.

Why Choose Wahpeton Family Dentistry?

At Wahpeton Family Dentistry we believe in providing the highest quality dental care in a family friendly environment. We believe that the foundation for a lifetime of excellent dental and oral health starts at home. When families make the health of their teeth and mouth a priority together, it increases the chances that patients will keep their natural teeth for the rest of their life. In addition to caring for your teeth when you come into our office, we provide families with the education and tools they need to adequately care for their teeth at home.

Frequently Asked Questions About Preventive Dentistry

How often is preventive dentistry needed?
Preventive dentistry appointments should be scheduled every 6 months or twice a year. In most cases this is an adequate time frame for removing plaque to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. It also allows for early detection of soft tissue abnormalities that could be a sign of oral cancer.
Is preventive dentistry covered by insurance?
Most insurance plans cover preventive dentistry appointments every 6 months and diagnostic X-rays once a year. Insurance providers know that preventive dentistry can prevent the need for more costly dental procedures.
Can dental sealants replace cavity fillings?
Dental sealants can be applied to teeth that are at risk for developing cavities, but once a cavity has developed, it will need a filling.
When is a custom mouth guard necessary?
Even for low contact sports we recommend a custom mouth guard to protect the teeth. A custom made mouth guard will fit more comfortably and provide better protection than a store bought mouth guard.
What is the purpose of fluoride treatments?
Fluoride treatments provide a concentrated amount of fluoride that can strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. They are typically applied to the teeth in a rinse or varnish that clings to the teeth.
Looking for a practice in the Wahpeton area? Contact us at 701-642-8566 to schedule an appointment today!

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103 9th St N, Ste 2
Wahpeton, ND 58075
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